Applicants will upload an original essay of 750-1000 words that addresses the fo

Applicants will upload an original essay of 750-1000 words that addresses the following question: What are three critical issues facing colleges and universities today? Your essay should reflect high quality writing skills and demonstrate your ability to pursue graduate level work. The HEA Admissions Committee will review your essay on the basis of content, sentence […]

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ffective classroom management plans provide students with a positive classroom e

ffective classroom management plans provide students with a positive classroom experience that can significantly improve student’s social and emotional well-being and increase academic success. A well-written and executed classroom management plan will foster optimal student learning by proactively establishing clear expectations and guidelines. Research-based classroom management models provide educators with strategies and guidance that can […]

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The literature review is about behavioral interventions for students with learni

The literature review is about behavioral interventions for students with learning disabilities/special needs to help hyperactive behaviors (hyperactivity behaviors such as calling out in class, constantly getting out of their seat and walking around the room, etc.). There needs to be 10 intervention studies and you need to find an intervention you plan to apply […]

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Task Descriiption: As TESOL teachers, our main duty involves teaching English to

Task Descriiption: As TESOL teachers, our main duty involves teaching English to our students in different contexts. Critical TESOL invites us to do this teaching with an awareness of issues of language and inequality. The aim of this assessment task is to help students prepare themselves for critical teaching in their current or future professional […]

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– Write 300 words about teaching. Philosophy for a future kindergarten teacher.

– Write 300 words about teaching. Philosophy for a future kindergarten teacher. Include the child’s development and well-being, teach clear expectations and consistent standards, and keep lines of communication open with family members. Also, be a role model for the children and support them. – There is one observation anecdote record. use the same format. […]

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Word document attached, complete pages all pages from 1 to 15 that is in RED onl

Word document attached, complete pages all pages from 1 to 15 that is in RED only! Use information from Appendix B and C to complete the assignment. I have attached 3 example papers ( PDF).

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Imagine you are on a district English learner (EL) committee tasked with creatin

Imagine you are on a district English learner (EL) committee tasked with creating materials for a session to provide teachers with background concerning laws or court decisions that have had a significant impact on the education of English learners. Research the following court decisions and laws: Court Decisions: Lau v. Nichols (1974) Castañeda v. Pickard […]

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Becoming familiar with the diverse demographic population of English learners (E

Becoming familiar with the diverse demographic population of English learners (ELs), not only in your state but throughout the nation, is essential to understanding principles of the education of English learners. View the Our Nation’s English Learners interactive presentation from the U.S. Department of Education. Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: […]

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Imagine you are on a district English learner (EL) committee tasked with creatin

Imagine you are on a district English learner (EL) committee tasked with creating materials for a session to provide teachers with background concerning laws or court decisions that have had a significant impact on the education of English learners. Research the following court decisions and laws: Court Decisions: Lau v. Nichols (1974) Castañeda v. Pickard […]

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View “FIEP: A Facilitated IEP Meeting,” paying special attention to the structur

View “FIEP: A Facilitated IEP Meeting,” paying special attention to the structure and collaborative nature of the meeting, the specific components of the IEP, and ways that the meeting demonstrates adherence to laws and ethical principles that govern special education. Note when viewing this example meeting that the administrator is the facilitator rather than the […]

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