Review the table of contents in your textbook to discover the types of issues that nurses face. Several of the issues will be covered in this course, but more are listed in the textbook.
Reflect on your nursing experiences. Consider how these relate to the issues listed in the textbook. Select and describe one issue that will be the subject of both of your journal entries. Note: Only your instructor will read your journal entries. These will not be shared with your peers. You need to protect the privacy of the individuals and institutions involved so that they remain anonymous. This lets you to be more candid in your comments about what occurred.
Identify the key people involved in the situation. Do not use specific names or locations to protect their privacy, but provide enough detail to give an accurate depiction of their roles in the situation.
Describe the conclusion of the situation and how it was resolved. Was there a satisfactory ending or not? Provide details on why you came to this conclusion. Share the impact this situation continues to have on you.
Download the Journal Entry #1 form.Links to an external site.
Complete each section. Review the instructions and grading rubric to be sure that you are meeting all the requirements to achieve maximum points.
This is not a scholarly paper. You may write in the first person, and you do not need to follow APA format. However, you are expected to write in complete sentences and use proper grammar and correct spelling.
Submit your journal entry by the due date mentioned above.
Table of Content:
I Furthering the Profession
II. Workforce Issues
III. Workplace Issues
IV. Legal and Ethical Issues
V. Professional Power
oChapter 1 Entry Into Practice
oChapter 2 Bridging the Academic-Practice Gap in Nursing
oChapter 3 Developing Effective Leaders to Meet Today’s Health Care Challenge
oChapter 4 Advanced Practice Nursing: Evolving Roles and Striving for Autonomy
oChapter 5 Evidence-Based Practice
oChapter 6 Is There A Nursing Shortage?
oChapter 7 Foreign Nurse Migration
oChapter 8 Unlicensed Assistive Personnel and the Registered Nurse
oChapter 9 Diversity in Nursing Workforce
oChapter 10 Disaster Planning: Are We Prepared?
oChapter 11 Mandatory Minimum Staffing Ratios
oChapter 12 Mandatory Overtime in Nursing
oChapter 13 Promoting Civility and Healthy Work Environments in Nursing and Health Care
oChapter 14 The Use of Social Media in Nursing
oChapter 15 Medical Errors
oChapter 16 Resilience and Self Care in Nursing
oChapter 17 Whistleblowing in Nursing
oChapter 18 Substance Use Disorder in Nursing Practice
oChapter 19 Academic Integrity in Nursing Education
oChapter 20 Assuring Provider Competence Through Licensure, Continuing Education and Certification
oChapter 21 Technology In Health Care
oChapter 22 Health Care Reform: Is the Affordable Care Act the Answer?
oChapter 23 The Nursing Profession’s Historic Struggle to Increase Its Power Base
oChapter 24 Professional Identity and Image
oChapter 25 Health and Public Policy: The Influence and Power of Nursing
oChapter 26 Professional Nursing Associations
I do not know if the Table of Content will be of any help.
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