Student Replies
You will complete 3 scholarly student replies with the following:
1. a minimum of 200 words,
2. demonstrate course-related knowledge,
3. and contain a minimum of 1 citation in current APA format to support assertions
Student Reply 1:
Tammy Padalino
I have chosen to use a qualitative design to research the problem in a natural setting with participants (teachers). I wanted to be able to interview and create questions that will provoke a rich data. As a researcher I wanted to be able to identify themes, and patterns that emerged from the data collected. A qualitative study will provide me with the opportunity to dive deep into the personal experiences of the participants in order to explore the problem. Additionally, I am able to develop different methods to collect data such as interview questions, and journal prompts. These open-ended questions and prompts will provide an opportunity for participant’s views and perspectives to be heard. According to Creswell & Poth (2018) Qualitive research empowers participants to share their stories and experiences.
The design chosen of this qualitative research is a case study. As defined by Creswell (2014) Case studies are a qualitative design in which the researcher explores an in-depth program, event, activity, process, or one or more individuals. The cases are bound by time and activity and researchers collect detailed information using a variety of data collection procedures over a sustained period of time (PG 241). The best design for the problem I will be researching is a case study design because it allows for the researcher to create various individual data collection tools. In addition, the researcher will be able to describe the feelings and experiences of the participants based on in depth opened ended interview and journal entries. The participants will be describing their individual experiences implementing reading interventions in their classroom.
The case study design that I will be using to research the problem is the single-embedded design. I chose the single embedded design for several reasons. First, the single case study design is the most frequently used in qualitative research case studies and it best used when studying a single group of people (Yin, 2014). I will be studying a single group of people, teachers, to study their experiences implementing reading interventions. I chose a single embedded case study design in order to identify emerging themes between participants. The embedded approach to case studies provides exploration between themes across cases (Stake, 2005). The participants in this case study may describe different experiences therefore, it is important for this research to be able to identify these differences and/or themes.
Stake, R. E. (2005). The art of case study research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
Yin R. (2014). Case study research and applications: Design and methods (6th ed.). SAGE Publications.
Creswell J. W. (2014). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method approaches (4th ed.). SAGE Publication
Student 2: Bridgette Ojo
For my dissertation, I will explore the lived experiences of student-parents rearing young children aged 5 years and younger in graduate programs.
Problem Statement:
The problem is that student-parents rearing young children are underrepresented in graduate programs. According to the United States Government Accountability Office (GAO), 4.3 million college students in the U.S. enrolled during the 2019-2020 were raising children. However, retention rates among student-parents rearing children in the United States have reduced, as 52 percent of them drop out of college before earning their degree (GAO, 2019). Underrepresented graduate student-parents experience significant challenges and barriers that affect retention while attending higher advanced programs, such as “time poverty” (Conway et al., 2021). Researchers have identified a critical need for the support of student-parents within the higher education setting (Marquez, 2020).
Purpose Statement:
The purpose of this transcendental phenomenological study is to understand the lived experiences for student-parents rearing young children aged 5 years and under in graduate programs. At this stage in the research, the lived experiences of graduate student-parents will be generally defined as the unique personal and academic experiences related to balancing both parental responsibilities and academic obligations. The theory guiding this study is the ecological systems theory, aiming to provide insights into how higher education institutions can better support this underrepresented population.
Central Research Question:
What are the experiences of student-parents rearing young children aged 5 years and younger in graduate programs?
Sub-Question One:
What are the challenges graduate student-parents rearing young children aged 5 years and younger face in balancing both academic responsibilities and parental obligations?
Sub-Question Two:
What are the experiences of student-parents rearing young children regarding the availability and accessibility of institutional support services in graduate programs?
Sub-Question Three:
In what ways do student-parents rearing young children aged 5 years and younger perceive their dual roles influencing their overall well-being and academic performance in graduate programs?
Conway K. M., Wladis C., Hachey A. C. (2021). Time poverty and parenthood: Who has time for college? AERA Open.
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Marquez A. (2020). The graduate student experience: The parents’ perspective (Publication No. 28022805) [Doctoral dissertation, Alliant International University Sacramento]. ProQuest Dissertation Publishing.
U.S. Government Accountability Office. 2019. Higher Education: More Information Could Help Student Parents Access Additional Federal Student Aid. Washington D.C.: Government Accountability Office.
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Student 3: George Rouse
Discussion Thread: Research Plan
Problem Statement
The problem is that, while paramedic educators use simulation to increase students’ skill performances in the clinical setting, the transferability of those skills in prehospital environments post-simulation is inconclusive. Low and high fidelity simulation have complemented curricula and instructions in emergency medical service (EMS) education programs for many years. This experiential tool helps educators provide realistic learning experiences to students who encounter different constraints of clinical opportunities (Ferguson et al., 2020; Hernandez et al., 2019). Additionally, simulation helps to deepen students’ conceptual understanding by safeguarding a controlled learning environment for skill practice (Wheeler & Dippenaar, 2020). Existing research confirms that simulation curriculum alignment, institutional support structures for simulation, modifications post pandemic, and resource limitations impact paramedic educators’ utilization and type of simulation in their education programs (Cash et al., 2021; Christensen et al., 2023; Ferguson et al., Seethamraju et al., 2022). The need for novice and veteran educators to be simulation trained has been noted in studies (Seethamruju et al., 2022; Tamas et al., 2019). There is little research regarding students’ skill performances and transferability post-simulation in the prehospital setting over time. By examining these trends, using qualitative approaches, paramedic educators can understand the relationship between simulation type and students’ transferable skill performances post-simulation and beyond.
Purpose Statement
The purpose of this transcendental phenomenological study is to describe the experiences of paramedic educators who use simulation to teach students transferable skills in a prehospital clinical setting. Low and high fidelity simulation is used to provide students with realistic learning opportunities in a controlled environment. Additionally, this form of experiential learning tool helps educators overcome the constraints of clinical placement while teaching students transferable skills. The theory guiding this study is Kolb’s (1984) experiential learning theory (ELT), which supports simulation use in paramedic education programs. ELT provides a holistic lens to explore the lived experiences of paramedic educators regarding their use of simulation. This study aims to link the phenomena of paramedic educators, their use of simulation, and lived experiences of teaching students transferable skills post-simulation training.
Research Gap
There is limited research that describes the lived experiences of paramedic educators who use simulation to teach students transferable skills and performances post-simulation. Paramedic educators have a responsibility to ensure students attending their education programs have the required skills and performances that transfer into the clinical setting (Goldberg et al., 2021; Knox et al., 2023). Understanding and describing the lived experiences of novice and veteran paramedic educators who use simulation can help improve curricula, instructions, and simulation training to boost students’ proficiency (Chen et al., 2023; Page et al., 2020; Tamas et al., 2019). Paramedic educators are the backbone of emergency medical service (EMS) education programs, and their lived experiences can offer crucial and practical feedback for positive changes to curricula, instructions, and learning environments. This recognized gap sparks a viable need for this transcendental phenomenological study.
Research Questions
Grounded in the theoretical framework of Kolb (1984), three research questions will guide this transcendental phenomenological study of understanding and describing the lived experiences of paramedic educators who use simulation to teach students transferable skills. Each question will be crafted to capture the essence of the human experiences as they relate to the phenomenon. The research questions include:
RQ1: What are the lived experiences of paramedic educators using simulation to teach students transferable skills?
RQ2: What do paramedic educators perceive to be the most effective instructional strategies and techniques used to help students acquire skills performances that transfer into the clinical setting post simulation?
RQ3: How do paramedic educators describe the barriers faced when incorporating, planning, and executing simulation training to teach students’ transferable skills?
Cash, R. E., Leggio, W. J., Powell, J. R., McKenna, K. D., Rosenberger, P., Carhart, E., Kramer, K., March, J. A., Panchal, A. R., & Pandemic Educational Effects Task Force. (2021). Emergency medical services education research priorities during COVID-19: A modified delphi study. Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open, 2(4), e12543.
Chen, T. H., Bentley, S. K., Nadir, N., Beattie, L. K., Lei, C., Hock, S. M., Munzer, B. W., Moadel, T., Paetow, G., Young, A., & Stapleton, S. N. (2023). Workshop in simulation debriefing for educators in medicine: Creation, implementation, and evaluation of a debriefing curriculum for novice simulation educators. AEM Education and Training, 7(Suppl 1), S58-S67.
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Christensen, M. D., Obstergaard, D., Stagelund, S., Watterson, L., Chung, H. S., Dieckmann, P. (2023). Embracing multiple stakeholders’ perspectives in defining competent simulation facilitators’ characteristics and educational behaviors: A qualitative study for Demark, Korea, and Australia. Advances in Simulation, 8(1), 1-1.
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Ferguson, J., Astbury, J., Willis, S., Silverthorne, J., & Schafheutle, E. (2020). Implementing, embedding, and sustaining simulation-based education: What helps, what hinders. Medical Education, 54(10), 915-924.
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Golberg, S., Storie, V., & Eyre, A. (2021). Simulation in Emergency Medical Services. Comprehensive Healthcare Simulation. Emergency Medicine, 189-194.
Hernandez, J., Jeong, E. S., & Chan, T. M. (2019). Prompting paramedics: The effect of simulation on paramedics’ identification of learning objectives. Cureus, 11(8), e5362-e5362.
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Knox, S., Brand, C., & Sweeney, C. (2023). Perceptions of paramedic educators on assessments used in the first year of a paramedic programme: A qualitative exploration. BMC Medical Education, 23(1), 952.
Kolb, D. (1984). Experiential learning as the scene of learning and development. Prentice Hall.
Paige, J. B., Graham, L., & Sittner, B. (2020). Formal training efforts to develop simulation educators: An integrative review. Simulation in Healthcare, 15(4), 271-281.
Seethamraju, R. R., Stone, K. P., & Shepherd, M. (2022). Factors affecting implementation of simulation-based education after faculty training in a low-resource setting. Simulation in Healthcare, 17(1), e113-e121.
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Tamas, E., Sodersved Kallestedt, M., Hult, H., Karlgren, K., & Allvin, R. (2019). Closing the gap: Experienced simulation educators’ role and impact on everyday health care. The Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Profession, 39(1), 36-41.
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Wheeler B., & Dippenaar, E. (2020). The use of simulation as a teaching modality for paramedic education: A scoping review. British Paramedic Journal, 5(3), 31-43.
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