The purpose of this assignment is to understand how human activities have different environmental impacts on different groups.
Assignment Directions
Task 1: Find a News Article:
Find a reputable, recent (one-year old or less) news article related to an environmental issue in your community. Remember that human activity of all sorts has an environmental impact. Here are just a few examples of activities with environmental impacts that might be going on in your community.
Replacing individual houses with high-rise condominiums.
Converting unused office buildings into residential apartments.
Installing wind turbines or solar panels in rural areas.
Requiring residents to compost leftover food.
Using ground water for crop irrigation in drought-stricken areas.
Providing EV-only parking spaces with charging facilities.
This list is not intended to limit your choices, but rather to spark your imagination. There are many other possibilities. Also note that the term “community” can be interpreted broadly. It could refer to your neighborhood, your city, your state, or even your region of the country.
Here are a few popular examples of reputable sources of information at the national level.
New York Times
Washington Post
Wall Street Journal
Time Magazine
However, if you are looking for articles specific to your community, you may choose an article from a local or regional publication. You know your own community, and will be in the best position to determine which local sources of news are trustworthy.
Task 2: Read the Article.
The credibility of the author, the reputation of the publication, the length, breadth, and depth of the article will reveal whether it is worthwhile. Be choosy. Don’t pick the first article you see.
Task 3: Summarize the Article in Your Own Words
Summarize the major points of the article in your own words. Do not copy the abstract, or anything else for that matter.
Include two short quotations. Each quotation should be no longer than two sentences. One sentence, or a phrase from sentence, is preferred.
Unpack the quotations. In other words, explain what they mean in your own words.
Use in-text citations and references in APA format.
Length Requirement: 300-400 words.
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