Offer one or two quotes from his chapter that stood out to you. Identify what re

Offer one or two quotes from his chapter that stood out to you. Identify what resonated with you, and be sure to explain why.

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My topic for this essay is ” Epicurus claims: “It is impossible to live pleasant

My topic for this essay is ” Epicurus claims: “It is impossible to live pleasantly without living wisely and honorably and justly.” In other words, one cannot be (fully) happy without also being a morally good person. Argue for or against this claim, drawing upon the ideas of at least two authors from the course” […]

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I have attached below the instructions for this discussion post (in the pdf name

I have attached below the instructions for this discussion post (in the pdf named Guidelines). I have also attached the pdf of the primary sources to use (and cite using the citation style in the instructions) in the discussion post. The discussion post will focus on these two primary sources.

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