Critical scholars can be described as those who “investigate how power, oppress

Critical scholars can be described as those who “investigate how power, oppression, and privilege are the products of certain forms of communication throughout society… critical scholars are particularly interested in how messages reinforce oppression in society… critical theorists are particularly interested in uncovering oppressive social conditions and power arrangements in order to promote emancipation or […]

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Clearly and concisely answer all 16 questions in the answer boxes below. Use 12

Clearly and concisely answer all 16 questions in the answer boxes below. Use 12 point Times New Roman. Each answer cannot exceed 130 words. Any words over 130 words will not be read or graded.

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You will be submitting the topic for your Portfolio Project. Ensuring you have a

You will be submitting the topic for your Portfolio Project. Ensuring you have a topic that lends itself well to this assignment is a critical part of your success. There are a lot of excellent ethical topics that may not fit our format. In this discussion, we will work together to craft your topic to […]

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For your final essay, you will choose one of the following topics that we discus

For your final essay, you will choose one of the following topics that we discussed in class. Each essay asks you to examine four sources / articles that we looked at in class as well as one additional source that you find on your own. Please include the source for your additional article in a […]

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• One paragraph that captures the main claim of one author with respect to the c

• One paragraph that captures the main claim of one author with respect to the central concept; (article attached) • One paragraph that captures the main claim of a second author with respect to the central concept; (Article attached) • One paragraph that includes either a synthesis of common claims/questions OR a descriiption of differences; […]

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For this paper, find an ethical dilemma in a show, film, book, comic, video game

For this paper, find an ethical dilemma in a show, film, book, comic, video game, song, or current event and discuss the ethical implications of that dilemma. While a traditional “moral dilemma” presents a conflict between two options (e.g., whether to kill or not to kill the baby screaming in the attic to protect the […]

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Directions Please watch the video about Daniel Goleman Introduces Emotional Inte

Directions Please watch the video about Daniel Goleman Introduces Emotional Intelligence. Daniel Goleman, who pioneered the field of emotional intelligence, applies EQ to workplace competency. When reviewing the video, think back to the parts of the assigned readings and lecture devoted to emotional intelligence. As a result of watching the video and what you read […]

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Complete Parts A, B & C, below (typed, in complete sentence.) How To Practise Z

Complete Parts A, B & C, below (typed, in complete sentence.) How To Practise Zen in Daily Life Video: Zazen is Good for Nothing Video: Japanese Zen Monastery 1/3 Video: Japanese Zen Monastery 2/3 Video: Japanese Zen Monastery 3/3 Based on the videos and readings in this section, answer the following questions. Use the sources […]

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Assignment Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activ

Assignment Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 4, 5 Lesson Instructions Remember – these journal questions require more thinking than writing. Think about exactly what you are asked to do, and then write as economically as possible. For this journal assignment, answer each of the following prompts: Important Idea Considering […]

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Use this tab to upload your final project for the “Communicating Chiropractic” a

Use this tab to upload your final project for the “Communicating Chiropractic” assignment. The goal of this assignment is to help you clarify your thoughts about chiropractic and your future role as a chiropractor. I have allowed any form of artistic expression with the condition that performance-based works be kept to a maximum of 3 […]

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