Answer the question based on the reading, and the answer does not allow external

Answer the question based on the reading, and the answer does not allow external sources, and can only be based on the reading I provided. Readings: 1. C. Bonneuil and J Fressoz, “Thanatocene: Power and Ecocide,” 122-147. 2. Naomi Klein, “Decade Zero: One Way or Another, Everything Changes,” and “The Leap Years: Just Enough Time […]

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1. Read: Discussion Background Welcome to your EDUOO Week 1 Discussion! As you d

1. Read: Discussion Background Welcome to your EDUOO Week 1 Discussion! As you develop a deeper understanding of adult online non-traditional learners, think about how this can directly impact instructor-student interactions. For example, which new strategies will you need to learn or demonstrate in order to provide an environment of learning for your students? For […]

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