I will practice in the state of Oklahoma as an APRN. Please use the uploaded tem

I will practice in the state of Oklahoma as an APRN.
Please use the uploaded template to complete the assignment!!!
Please refer to the Oklahoma Nurse Practice Act and the links provided to answer all questions on the template. These two links were provided to help answer some of the questions but other sources may be needed as well.

Legislative Search

Guidelines and recommendations for your state (Oklahoma):
In response to the opioid epidemic, individual states have developed and adopted voluntary guidelines or recommendations for the treatment of acute and chronic non-cancer pain. Based on research done on the state where you will practice clinically, include the following:
Provide the name of your practicing state’s organization, group or task force that created guidelines or recommendations for pain management therapies and education.
Briefly describe an overview of its development and include a web address where this information can be found. If your state does not have guidelines, discuss a federal guideline. (Note: you may need to contact your state’s board of nursing, pharmacy, or medicine if you cannot locate it on your own).
Some states have multiple organizations or initiatives (ex: Ohio) in place to combat the opioid epidemic and advocate for safer opioid prescribing. Explore whether your state has other resources, groups or organizations where prescribers can reference best practices for pain management treatment. If applicable, provide a brief overview of the group’s recommendations or initiatives. If your state does not have another state-specific resource, discuss the guidelines published by the American Pain Society OR Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Discuss when the use of opioids is appropriate and for what duration should they be prescribed? Provide a reference for your response. (This question is worth 13 points. 5 points for when opioids are appropriate, 5 points for a safe duration of use, and 3 points for a current edition APA formatted reference.)
State specific laws on controlled substance prescribing for the nurse practitioner:
Research your state laws on advanced practice nurses’ authority to prescribe controlled substances. Based on research done on the state where you will practice clinically, include the following:
Identify the law, rule, code, or statute that describes the advanced practice nurse’s authority to prescribe controlled substances in your state.
Discuss the provisions of the law, rule, code, or statute with regard to the following:
Conditions or limits on prescribing schedule I-V controlled substances.
Requirements (if any) in documentation for treating acute and chronic pain.
Are there specific requirements for advanced practice nurses to reference the state’s prescription drug monitoring database before prescribing a controlled substance? If so, what are they?
State Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP): Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs
Research your state’s PDMP* and provide the following information:
Name of the state’s program.
Website for the state PMDP.
Discuss the registration requirements and process.
Discuss the standards and procedures for the access and review of database information.
Any resource used must be scholarly, APA format, and 5 years or less old!!!
State specific laws on medical devices prescribing for the nurse practitioner:
Research your state laws on advanced practice nurses’ authority to prescribe medical devices. These are also called Durable Medical Equipment (DME). Based on research done on the state where you will practice clinically, include the following:
Identify the law, rule, code, or statute that describes the advanced practice nurse’s authority to prescribe medical devices or DME in your state.
Discuss the provisions of the law, rule, code, or statute regarding the following:
Conditions or limits on prescribing medical devices or DME.
Requirements (if any) in documentation needed to support order of medical devices or DME.

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