This is Milestone one of a multiple-part project. I have included the entire project for context. Here is the assignment:
Write a report detailing the underlying geology of the project site. Using the cross-section, topographic map, and soil profile for your final project, be sure to fully explain any geologic features present and include elements relative to the formation of those features by addressing the critical elements below. Also, detail how you derived each of your conclusions. Lastly, discuss how the base geology might relate to the proposed surface development. The materials needed for this milestone can be found in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course:
Final Project Stratigraphy and Cross Section
Final Project Soil Profiles
Final Project Site Topographic Map
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
Rock Stratigraphy: List the various rock types, in order, from the surface (A) downward. Identify subtypes (detrital, extrusive, etc.) of each rock layer.
Relative Dating: Detail which rock types are the oldest/youngest in the sequence. Detail how you derived your conclusions.
Geologic Features: Identify any present geologic features (faults, folds, etc.). Detail each and infer how these features formed within this environment.
Depositional Analysis: Infer the environmental conditions present during the deposition of each sedimentary layer.
Soils: Using the soil profile and the topographic map, what can you detail about the potential for erosion across the cross section? What leads you to this conclusion?
Surface Impacts: Provide a quick analysis of how the underlying geology might impact an overlying neighborhood.
What to Submit
Your paper must be submitted as a one- to two-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least three sources, which must be cited in APA format.
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